Speyksbosch Diablo
This story is about Mark Darbyshire, Damien’s husband and the man who own the bank account where Damien hides all his money and assets every time he think he might need to declare himself bankrupt. (he admitted this to the Horse & hound)
In 2013 a lady called Sally was going through hard times, when she got an email from Mark Darbyshire, the part time doctorem husband of Damien Harris. He wanted to buy some ponies from her and after some many emails and phone calls he decided he wanted her stallion Hanky Panky. Sally thought it was a very good home because of all the good things Mark told her in his emails and on the telephone: things like he was a cardiovascular surgeon, that he was a well-known experienced breeder, all the famous and rich people he was friends with, visits from top American studs, and that he would be sending a luxury Oakley lorry and driver to collect the pony. She later found out this was all a complete fantasy. Eventually, after some delay, the deposit was paid by Mark.
Hanky then injure himself in the field and Sally want to return the deposit. She wasn’t happy keeping in until she knew the pony would be better. Mark refused this as he didn’t seem to care whether the pony was fit and sound or not. She offered to let him speak to the physio treating Hanky but he would not. He just want the pony.
Sally would not let the pony go until he had got sound. Then it was lucky that she had moved Hanky to another yard for physio, because someone, who it turns out was Damien, turned up unannounced at her house while she was at work and was seen on cctv going in with the ponies, taking rugs off some of them and generally having a good snoop. Of course, this upset Sally who felt he was looking for Hanky and would have taken him if he had found him.
At this time Mark turned nasty, phone calls became vicious, and he start to bully her on social media. Sally now didn’t want Hanky to go to this man but there was an agreement that she couldn’t get out of and a deposit paid.
Then it was time for Hanky to go to Mark and Sally waited for the luxury Oakley lorry and driver. Instead a rough man turned up in a 4X4 and trailer which smelled of pigs, and said he was Mark. He brought no hay and no rugs even though it was cold and snowing. Sally provided rugs and hay, cash was paid and off they went after the man signed the sales contract. When she examined the contract she saw he had signed it as Damien Harris!!!